Instructional Coaches

Instructional Coaches

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Mrs. Carmen Watkins   
   Instructional Coach     

Mrs. Watkins has served as an educator in southern Indiana and Kentucky since 2013.  She has taught Algebra, Geometry, and Algebra 2 for the last 9 years. She has worked with multiple schools and teachers, integrating numeracy, technology, and equity in the classroom. She worked with the IDOE in the revision of the High School Math Standards in 2019, as well as a participant in the IDOE Teacher Leadership Bootcamp in 2020. She has a Bachelors of Science from Ball State University and a Masters in Education with a focus on Leadership from Indiana Wesleyan University.

    missing Student ID 73  
Mrs. Jessica Sowers
Instructional Coach
Mrs. Sowers has served as an educator in southern Indiana since 2016, teaching 6th, 7th, and 8th grade Language Arts. She has served on multiple building’s leadership teams as well as being a part of the IDOE’s Teacher Leader Bootcamp in 2019. After graduating in 2015 with a degree in Secondary Education, Mrs. Sowers holds an MA in English Education and a plus 30 in Education Administration.



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