Faculty Overview

Note: Specific contact information for these indiduals is located in their specific department portion of the website under the Faculty tab.

Principal:  Mrs. Whitney Reinhart

Assistant Principal:  Mrs. Laci Skidmore

Assistant Principal:  Mr. D.J. Henkle


Athletic Director:  Mr. D.J. Henkle

Athletic Secretary: Mrs. Sara Jimenez

Office Staff

Admin Assistant: Ms. Destinee Storvick

Translator/Admin Assistant: Mrs. Sara Jimenez

Treasurer/Admin Assistant: Mrs. Sally Goodpaster

Student Services

Admin. Assistant & Attendance Clerk:  Mrs. Megan Mullins

Counselors: Mrs. Meigan Vest (7th Grade)

Counselor: Mrs. Stephanie Quillen (8th Grade)

Health Services

Nurse: Angie Stoner


Head Custodian:  Mr. Kurt Newkirk

Food Service

Food Service Manager: Mrs. Sarah York


Computer Tech: Mr. Brandon Sargent


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